Technology by Teens

The latest Technology and Gaming News through the eyes of teenagers.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Let the Windows Vista Beta installation begin

Hey, I just pulled upgraded my dad's 2o gb hardrive to 40 gb, that was a huge pain. The 40 gb hard drive was my old hard drive, on which I had Suse 9.2 installed, with Grub in the MBR. I had already formated the drive and moved the data over, but when I tried to boot I got the command line interface of GRUB with no way to boot. I managed to clear grub out of the mbr using the recovery console and "fixmbr" , but after that I always reached the blue windows welcome screen, but no usernames showed up. So I did a repair install with the windows installation disc, and it booted up, but the drive was labled E, and that wouldn't work since all the etries in the registry for programs were pointing to the C drive, so with some clever registry editing I managed to change the drive letter back to C, but when I rebooted, I got the same blue screen. By now I was fairly frustrated, but I kept goin. Shortly after, I made a floppy boot disc, and threw fdisk on it, and did the "fdisk /mbr" command, and everything worked from then on. Ah this is why I want a friggin mac. The old 20 gb is gonna be repurpoused as a secondary drive in my comp for the Windows Vista beta, I'll try to post some screenshots when I get it working.
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