Technology by Teens

The latest Technology and Gaming News through the eyes of teenagers.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Windows Vista Beta 1 Installed plus Screenshots

Hello, I'm blogging this in IE7 right now with Windows Vista Beta 1. Wow, it looks perty. The Aero style looks really cool. For some reason I'm not getting the transparancies on the windows, but hey it still looks good. IE7 isn't bad, but much too late. I think i'll stick with firefox and opera. Wait I'm getting ahead of my self. Just a word about the install. Painless. Amazingly enough, microsoft asked me for the computer name and what partition I wanted to install to and presto chango Windows Vista, in two easy steps. Not sure if it was just the beta, but it was uber simple. Anyway I'll save the full review/sneak peak for the podcast. In the mean time, here's some candy for ya.

Start Menu

Control Panel and Windows Search Engine at work indexing newly saved screenshot.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Vista to always run as if freshly installed

Microsoft hopes to tackle an age-old problem with the next version of Windows: How to keep PCs running like new. I don't, i can't believe it, sorry i still haven't installed, the beta, I'll get on it and tel you what I think.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Have you heard of this thing called the internet?

Supposedly, people are able to communicate via telephone lines using a computer. Here is an old-school video where the reporter calls it "internet", as opposed to "the internet"; as if it were a product. Warning: Site is littered with ads, so use Firefox's AdBlock or simply leech the damn video using Firefox's "View Info" dialog.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Treo 670 running Windows Mobile a-buh?!

Ok well Engadget has video proof of the Treo 670 running windows mobile. I guess this explains all the name changing stuff going on with palm. I was listening to the Engadget podcast from two weeks ago, and they were discussing why they would pay millions for the name, and this was one of the things they thought might happen, but dubbed highly unlikely. I'm not big on all the pda's and stuff mainly cause I don't need one, and find them slightly boring/useless until they roll out high-speed wireless networks, or just make wi-fi friggin standard in these PDA/phone's. It is almost impossible to find a PDA+phone like the Treo, with wi-fi and all the features you want.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Web Hosting

The real site is not far from sight now, we got webhosting from Bluehost, which I'm pleased with... I haven't got a domain yet, but before I do I'm thinking long and hard about whether this is the name "Technology By Teens" is good enough, I think it should be fine, as not many other teens are podcasting, If I had to guess I would say there are about a hundred.

Yahoo Audio Search

Yahoo Audio search beta is out today. Alot of people have been looking towards Yahoo and Google for some kind of podcast tie in for quite a long time now and this time around Yahoo beat google out. The audio search searches copyrighted music tracks which you can buy from other sources, and also free or "podsafe music". The important and in my opinion revolutioanry feature is the capability to search for podcasts, yahoo links directly to the audio file, and has an orange xml button next to each file to subscribe to the podcast. Great, now add shownotes and let us search those. This is a good tool for finding podcasts to listen to, but not so great for searching the actual content. This is somehting they shoudl add soon, or google hopefully will do better on.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Apple Expands iPod Trademark to Include Video

Apple Expands iPod Trademark to Include Video, looks like we are nearing release. Hopefully, this is pretty good evidence there is gonna be some kind of video ipod. They changed the trademark from
Portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, and audio files
full line of electronic and mechanical accessories and computer software for portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio, image, and video files;
all for use with portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio, image, and video files in Class 9

It includes video, and recording hopefully we will see some PVR capabilities, in this new device.


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