The latest Technology and Gaming News through the eyes of teenagers.
Hello, I'm blogging this in IE7 right now with Windows Vista Beta 1. Wow, it looks perty. The Aero style looks really cool. For some reason I'm not getting the transparancies on the windows, but hey it still looks good. IE7 isn't bad, but much too late. I think i'll stick with firefox and opera. Wait I'm getting ahead of my self. Just a word about the install. Painless. Amazingly enough, microsoft asked me for the computer name and what partition I wanted to install to and presto chango Windows Vista, in two easy steps. Not sure if it was just the beta, but it was uber simple. Anyway I'll save the full review/sneak peak for the podcast. In the mean time, here's some candy for ya.
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Control Panel and Windows Search Engine at work indexing newly saved screenshot.